Without realising it, I find myself tuning out of what’s happening in a meeting as I am busy preparing what I am going to say next. I am a big fan of being prepared but sometimes we can be in danger of steamrolling our own agenda through, irrespective of what’s happening on the day. The key, I believe, is to get the right balance of preparation and improvisation. A greater understanding of what’s going on for the other person will allow for a more meaningful exchange and ultimately a better outcome and to achieve this, we need to actively listen.
One of my favourite quotes about listening comes from Jack Zenger who says “Good listeners are like trampolines: You can bounce ideas off them, and rather than absorbing your ideas and energy, they amplify, they energise and clarify your thinking. They make you feel better not by merely passively absorbing but by actively supporting. This lets you gain energy and height like a trampoline.”
Good listening is not about saying silent. It is about bringing your whole self to the conversation, being present and playing back what is said it a supportive way. It is a two-way dialogue, yet we don’t have to dominate or suggest our way of doing things. Listening and coaching colleagues can lead to a more powerful outcome and an outcome formed by the individual themselves.
In our busy world, we can be guilty of asking questions but wanting a cursory response or only listening to the parts that support our own opinion. When I entered the world of coaching, I had to leave behind my need to control and advise in each situation and to listen to the situation I face. My best coaching sessions happen when I am fully present, let go of any preconceptions about the outcome, actively listen and respond to what I hear. And whilst we may think that asking someone how they are and having to listen to a long response is slowing us down, it is that very answer that will frame how you respond and could change the whole nature of the interaction for the better.
In a virtual world, listening can seem like hard work, so what can we do to foster the art of listening?
Who will you enable to jump today?
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